Ryan Edwards

HD•BPM, 2018

HD•BPM by Ryan Edwards is a community public art experience where every drum stroke paints a pixel of a projected image facilitating music-playing for all ages and highlighting the work and text of local visual artists and writers.

Working with a team of trained musicians and community members, Edwards encouraged participants to pick up a drumstick and start making music on the irresistible set of lighted drum pads. Pads were programmed with samples of drum, bass, keyboard, and other contemporary sounds. With each stroke hit, a corresponding color revealed itself, pixel by pixel, on a projected image until the artwork was finally revealed. This process was repeated throughout the evening, encouraging people to stay, play, and connect.

HD•BPM employed local curator and provided stipends for participating artists and writers.

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East Boston Shipyard


Ryan Edwards

Ryan is a Boston-based inter-disciplinary artist with a background in West African drum and dance, jazz and new-music composition. He composes extensively for contemporary dance and produces multi-media performance works and installations through the studio he co-directs - Masary Studios. He holds a degree in performance from Berklee College of Music, apprenticed extensively in traditional music, dance and instrument-building in Guinea, West Africa and works regularly with prominent public and performing artists throughout New England. Ryan is most proud to be the father of two beautiful children, Jafiah and Maya.