Lisa Pierpont

March 11, 2025

New Triennial Board member Lisa Pierpont shared her infectious energy and enthusiasm for the Triennial with us in this conversation. With Lisa’s experience in journalism and her belief in the power of art to bring people together, we are delighted to have her join the Triennial Board. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Lisa!

What are you most excited about bringing to Boston Public Art Triennial by serving on the Board?

I love Boston. I love people. And, I love art. I've been super lucky to have met fiercely interesting artists, writers, lawyers, doctors—you name it—during my career in journalism. It's been a privilege to bring their stories to life. I hope to do the same for the Triennial, to share the narratives behind the talent, emotions, and provenance of the Triennial art and artists with everyone. Honestly, I want to shout it from the rooftops.

Where does your passion for public art come from? What do you see as its impact on communities?

What's that saying famous Oscar Wilde saying? "Life imitates art far more than art imitates life." Right on, Oscar. Art inspires us. It unites us. We really need that right now.

Are there any public art installations that have stuck with you in the past year?

Well, this installation is not new, but it was for me. My youngest daughter studied in Barcelona last spring. During one of my visits, I stumbled across a mural in the Gothic Quarter called The World Begins With Every Kiss. I was blown away. The back story is that photographer Joan Foncuberta asked Barcelonians to send in personal photographs that represented "moments of freedom." The end result is a 26-foot mural with 4,000 photographs that Foncuberta and ceramist Toni Cumella transformed into a single image of a kiss. So simple, so powerful . . . so free.

Anything else you'd like to share?

Come to the Triennial! It’s going to be epic!!!

This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Images: [1] Courtesy of Lisa Pierpont


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